Dunia kecam kezaliman Israel

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Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Dunia kecam kezaliman Israel

But... what is our strategy?


  1. Andai Dr Hasanah ditawarkan ikut bersama dalam misi di atas, agak-agak Dr pergi tak?

  2. mesti Dr. Hasanah jawab, "saya mc!" hehee...

  3. Ustaz Hamizul, first, kenapa blog us kena block?
    Web Page Blocked
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    URL: www.hamizul.com/
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    To have the rating of this web page re-evaluated please contact your administrator.
    Powered by FortiGuard.

    Us kena buang mana-mana script (terutama yang percuma) yang us dok guna, takut ada malware. Karang kalau search engine banned lagi susah.

    Second, hmm... Dr. Jasni dah tolong jawab. Sekarang dah habis mc tapi saya dalam cuti penyelidikan hihiii....

    Jihadku di sini! Iaitu menyiapkan lima orang bakal mujahidin!


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